So at the restaurant a lot of people seem to like my crunchy fresh vegetable dish. It really is a simple steamed dish to make, that anyone could do, I just happen to add a few special ingredients that makes the tropical tasting veggie dish extra tasty of course. I will share the basic ingredients and procedure and you could add your specialty.
yellow, green and red bell peppers
salt and pepper
Get to work:
You should have a medium size pot that "could" hold four cups of water (BUT DON'T ADD WATER< THE VEGGIES WILL DO THAT THEMSELVES)
cut all of the veggies into elongated strips not cubes (its easier to handle and easier to eat)
boil the carrots separately since they take the longest to cook (you will add them later)
add all of the other veggies to the pot to a medium heat
add a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of black pepper
close the pot with the lid and have it sit on the fire for about 15 minutes
then add the carrots after they're soft enough to your liking
mix all together and there you have it, simple crunchy vegetables